







BX80 Series

B01 Series ROPS & CAB


B50 Series ROPS & CAB

Standard L Series

Premium L40 Series


M6040 ROPS & CAB

M7040 SUHD

M7040 ROPS & CAB


M8540 Narrow ROPS & CAB

M8540 Standard ROPS & CAB

M5091/M5101 Narrow ROPS & CAB

M5091/M5111 Standard ROPS & CAB

M9540 ROPS & CAB




M7-2 Standard

M7-2 Deluxe

M7-2 Premium

M7-2 Premium KVT

T Series Ride-on Mowers

GR Series Ride-on Mowers

GZD15 Zero-turn Mower

Z200 Series Zero-turn Mowers

Z400 Series Zero-turn Mowers

ZG Series Zero-turn Mowers

ZD Series Zero-turn Mowers

F Series Out-front Mowers

Rotary Cutter RCR12 Series

Rotary Cutter RCR1548

Rotary Cutter RCF20 Series

Rotary Cutter RCF27 Series

Rotary Cutter RCF36 Series

Folding Rotary Cutters

Grooming Mowers FDR16 Series

Grooming Mowers FDR25 Series

Grooming Mowers FDR36 Series

Quick Hitch QH Series

Rotary Tillers RTR05 Series

Rotary Tillers RTA12 Series

Rotary Tillers RTR12 Series

Rotary Tillers RTA35 Series

Powered Rakes PR16 Series

Arena Graders AG15 Series

Landscape Rake LR05 Series

Landscape Rake LR16 Series

Landscape Rake LR26 Series

Landscape Rake LR37 Series

Box Scraper BB05 Series

Box Scraper BB12 Series

Box Scraper BB15 Series

Box Scraper BB25 Series

Box Scraper BB35 Series

Grading Scraper GS05 Series

Grading Scraper GS15 Series

Grading Scraper GS25 Series

Rear Grader Blade RB Series

Rear Grader Blade RBT Series

Post Hole Digger PD10/25/35 Series

Auger Drive SA20 Series

Disc Harrow DH10 Series

Disc Harrow DH15 Series

Disc Harrow DH25 Series

Mouldboard Plough MP10/MP20

Seed Bed Roller SBR Series

All-purpose Seeders APS15 Series

Overseeder OS15 Series

SGC Series Claw Grapples

GL6000 Generator

GL9000 Generator

KJ-S130/KJ-S230 Generator

KJ-T130/KJ-T180/KJ-T300 Generator

SQ1120/SQ1150 Generator

SQ3140/SQ3200/SQ3300 Generator

RK Diesel Engine

RT Diesel Engine

Base Power Pack D905

Electrical Power Pack D905

Base Power Pack D1105

Electrical Power Pack D1105

Base Power Pack V1505

Electrical Power Pack V1505

Base Power Pack V2203

Electrical Power Pack V2203

Base Power Pack V2403M-T

Electrical Power Pack V2403M-T

Base Power Pack V3300

Electrical Power Pack V3300

Base Power Pack V3300-T

Electrical Power Pack V3300-T

Base Power Pack V3800DI

Electrical Power Pack V3800DI

Base Power Pack V3800DI-T

Electrical Power Pack V3800DI-T

LM101 Floating Head Greens Mower

LM551 5-Unit Fairway Mower

LM315GC Ride-on Greens Mower

LM331 Surround & Trim Mower

Mower GM2800

Mower LM2700/LM2400

Aerator TDA1200/TDA1600

Bunker Rake SP05

Mower LM18/LM54/LM56/LM66

Walk Behind Mowers

Handheld Blower

Hedge Trimmer

Agriculture excellence
Kubota is your trusted source for high-quality agricultural products. Whether you're a farmer, landscaper, or agricultural professional, we have the necessary equipment and machinery to enhance your productivity and maximise your yields. The Kubota name stands for high quality, and we pride ourselves on supplying durable and reliable agriculture equipment. Our company was founded in 1928 in Osaka, Japan, and has since grown to become one of the world's largest agricultural equipment manufacturers. Kubota offers farmers a wide range of products, including tractors, mowers, implements and agricultural power equipment. Whether you’re a professional farmer or want to keep your property looking great, Kubota has a wide range of agriculture equipment to suit your needs.
Kubota’s agriculture range
Discover our extensive range of Kubota agriculture products designed to meet the unique needs of modern farmers. From powerful tractors to mowers, utility vehicles, or versatile agriculture implements, we offer a comprehensive lineup that caters to various farm sizes and applications. Our equipment is built with durability and efficiency, ensuring reliable performance in even the toughest conditions.
Experience the power of our Kubota tractors, renowned for their versatility and maneuverability. Whether you need a compact tractor for small-scale tasks or a larger model for heavy-duty applications, our diverse tractor range has you covered. With ergonomic controls, comfortable seating, and advanced hydraulic systems, Kubota tractors make your work easier and more enjoyable.
Kubota’s commitment to quality
Kubota is committed to providing our customers with high-quality agricultural equipment. We use state-of-the-art technology and equipment to ensure our products meet the highest quality standards. We have a precise quality control process to ensure that every product that leaves the factory is of the highest quality. Kubota’s products are designed and manufactured to meet the needs of farmers from all over the world. This commitment has helped us become a trusted brand among farmers in Australia and New Zealand.
Innovation in farming
Kubota is known for innovative products within the agriculture industry. We invest heavily in research and development and continue to find new ways to improve our products and services. Kubota’s commitment to innovation is evident in our products and services. We offer various services to help customers get the most out of their equipment. This commitment to innovation ensures that new products and technologies are constantly developed to help farmers improve their productivity.
Explore our comprehensive range of agriculture machinery to find the perfect solution for your specific needs. Trust in Kubota's legacy of excellence, and let us be your partner in agricultural success. Contact your local Kubota dealer to find out more about our agriculture range.