Kubota | New Zealand
Kubota New Zealand

Terms of use

Terms of use previewTerms of use

The website, https://kubota.co.nz (“Web site”) is owned, operated, and maintained by Kubota Tractor Australia Pty Ltd (“Kubota”) or its agents. Please read these terms and conditions of use (“Terms and Conditions”); your access to and use of the Web site, including the purchase of our goods and use of our services, is provided subject to the following terms and conditions. Your access to and use of the Web site indicates your acceptance and agreement to the Terms and Conditions.

Kubota may change the Terms and Conditions without prior notice. You are responsible for checking this page whenever you use the Web site for the most current version of the Terms and Conditions. The Web site contains links to other websites of Kubota, its affiliates, and third parties ("Linked Sites"). Kubota assumes no responsibility for the contents of any Linked Site. In no event shall Kubota be liable for any loss or damage incurred by accessing or using any Linked Site.


  1. Before you can purchase any goods or access any services which may be provided by us,
    you may be asked to provide certain information that requires entry of information such as name, address, phone number, email, credit card details etc. Please refer to our privacy policy by following the link on our home page for information relating to the collection, storage and use of the personal information you provide on registration.
  2. You confirm that your details are true and accurate and you agree to update your details if they change.
  3. Our goods and services are provided to adults over the age of 18 years. By proceeding to purchase through our website, you acknowledge that you are over 18 years of age.

Prohibited Conduct

When using the Web site you agree not to:

  • Violate any laws, regulations, or ordinances
  • Commit or aid criminal acts
  • Engage in actions that may cause any disadvantage, loss, or damage to Kubota
    third party
  • Violate the legal rights, such as property rights or privacy, nor defame the reputation of Kubota or any third party
  • Engage in actions that violate the standards of public order and decency -Uploading,using,distributing,orprovidinginanywayasoftwareprogramor data,suchas a computer virus, intended to damage the Web site, servers, computers, or any other property of Kubota and any third party.
  • Using another person’s e-mail address with the intention of misleading Kubota or any third party.Any other activities that Kubota deems inappropriate


This section is subject to any non-excludable legislative liability.

Kubota does not guarantee or represent the accuracy, timeliness, or availability of the contents of the Web site, including but not limited to the descriptions of goods, the product list, the price list, or any images displayed on the Web site. All Images have been provided for illustrative purposes only, and Kubota does not guarantee that the images exactly portray the exact colour, design or options relating to a particular good. Kubota shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by accessing or using the Web site.

Kubota does not guarantee or represent the safety of the Web site or the server. In no event shall Kubota be liable for any loss or damage caused by equipment shutdown due to disaster, line problems/failure, or maintenance; computer viruses, or any corrupted files, or any other similar software or data; or data tampering, unauthorised access, or leakage by third parties, etc.

Kubota may change and/or alter the contents of the Web site and suspend or discontinue the services provided through the Web site at any time without notice. Kubota shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of any change or alteration to the contents and suspension or closure of the Web site, regardless of the reason.

The Web site may provide information about products and services that are not available in some regions or countries. The Web site is not always designed to provide information in every region or country.

Images on the Web site have been provided for illustrative purposes only and Kubota does not guarantee or represent that the images exactly portray the exact colour, design or options relating to a particular good or service.

Kubota may host third party content on the Web site such as advertisements and endorsements belonging to third parties. Kubota is not responsible for that content.

You agree to indemnify and hold Kubota harmless from all claims, losses, actions, damages, costs and expenses including legal fees arising from or in connection with your use of the Web site or your dealings with Kubota, including information you provide Kubota with, to the extent that it was not caused as a direct result of Kubota's negligence.

Copyright and Trademarks

Copyright to the documents, images, voices, and other materials on the Web site belong to Kubota, or Kubota has a licence to use the copyright, unless otherwise specified. All materials on the Web site are protected by copyright laws and other applicable international laws and treaty provisions.

You are prohibited from using, duplicating, altering, uploading, posting, sending, distributing, lending, transferring, selling, and publishing any of materials on this Web site without Kubota’s prior written permission except:

  • for personal use;
  • as permitted under the Copyrights Act 1968 (Cth); and
  • to the extent defined in the Web site.

The respective Terms and Conditions contained herein or on other pages on each of the content pages, if any, supersede any other terms and conditions. Software that is made available from the Web site is the copyrighted work of the respective owners. Use of such software is subject to the terms and conditions of each end-user license agreement between the owner of such software and the end-user thereof, in addition to copyright laws and other applicable international laws and treaty provisions.

Company names, product names, and the logos used on the Web site are the trademarks or registered trademarks of Kubota. Other product names and company names used on the Web site are trade names, trademarks, or registered trademarks of the respective companies.

When you access the Web site Kubota gives you a limited licence to access and use the information and images on the Web site for your personal use. Your use of Kubota's content in any other way without Kubota's prior written permission infringes Kubota's intellectual property rights.

You are not permitted to use any data mining robots or other extraction tools or to metatag or mirror the Web site without Kubota's prior written permission.

Links to other websites

Third party websites linked to or from the Website (“LinkedSite (s)”) are independently operated and maintained by such third parties and are not under the control of Kubota. Kubota assumes no responsibility for the contents of any Linked Site. In no event shall Kubota be liable for any loss or damage incurred by accessing or using any Linked Site.

Nothing contained on the Web site shall be interpreted as a recommendation and/or endorsement by Kubota of the contents of the Linked Sites, and any products and/or services appearing on and/or provided through such Linked Sites. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to constitute a partnership or similar relationship between the operators of the Linked Sites and Kubota.

Information provided from users

By sending any comment, questions, information, proposals, ideas, etc. (“Comments”) to Kubota, then such Comments will become the property of Kubota and Kubota will be free to use it in whatever way Kubota wishes, for any commercial or non- commercial purpose without compensation to you or to any other person who has transmitted it to the Web site or to Kubota. You acknowledge that it is original and does not infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties.

Links to the Website

You can link any website to the Web site at your own expense, if you inform Kubota of the URL of the linked website and the name of the contact person. In addition, you must agree to the following:

  1. In no event will Kubota be liable for loss or damage incurred by linking to the Web site.
  2. Kubota assumes neither the responsibility nor the obligation for the link to the Web site. Linking to the Web site does not indicate the grant of any rights from Kubota.
  3. The URL and contents of the Web site may be changed or deleted without prior notice.
    Notification of changes or deletion of the contents will not be provided.
  4. No cross-links will be made.
  5. The Web site must be presented in a way that permits a third party to clearly understand that the Website content belongs to Kubota, e.g., the Website should not appear within a frame of another website. Deep linking is not permitted.
  6. You must not use Kubota's logo without permission.
  7. Links from websites containing the following will be denied. The Web site will also not be
    referenced in emails:
    - Content that is illegal or violates the standards of public order and decency (inducement to criminal, illegal, or antisocial activities; including expressionsof discrimination)
    - Adult content
    - Content deemed offensive to Kubota, any of its affiliates, or any third party

Applicable Laws and Jurisdiction

This agreement and this website are subject to the laws of Victoria and Australia. If there is a dispute between you and Kubota that results in litigation or legal action, then you must submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Victoria.