Kubota | New ZealandNZ

Rear Grader Blades

Land Pride Rear Blades are an excellent and economical choice for applications in levelling, finish grading, and backfilling at feedlots, outdoor arenas, building sites, nurseries, and maintenance operations on farms, ranches, and home owner lanes and roadways. The multitude of forward and reverse working angles as well as mouldboard offset capability allows the operator to work right up next to retaining walls, abutments and raised curbing. They are excellent in the pulling or push blade mode. A retractable parking stand is included to accommodate easier blade removal, storage and remount capabilities.

Stock availability delays
Please be aware that not all equipment is currently available in Australia due to supply chain delays. Some equipment may not be available for up to twelve months, possibly more. Please check the expected delivery date with your authorised Kubota dealer.